A Copywriting School for Busy People

[aka write your own f*ckn copy]


Drop-in "classes" on topics relevant to you and your business

Maybe you don't need (or have time for) a soup-to-nuts copywriting course.

But you DO want to write better headlines, fix a non-performing sales page, increase email open rates, or finally figure out WTF brand stories actually are.

What you'll find inside:

For a low monthly fee you can get get all the schooling you need on these topics and more. Learn at your own pace, get support and feedback in our discussion group, and finally feel like a marketing rockstar! New topics, workshops, and min-courses added monthly - stay as long as you like (no minimum commitment required).

Aaannnnddd... coming in Q3

• different buyer personalities and how to write copy that speaks to each one

• the weird relationship between marketing and sales that nobody talks about

• what SEO is, why keyword research matters, and what to do with the keywords once you have them

© Two Eye Copy | Liisa Reimann Copywriting LLC