Email List-Building Made Easy

Email List-Building Made Easy

You only need a few things to get your email list up and running. See what's non-negotiable and what's optional (or can be added later) when creating your email marketing tech stack. ...more

email marketing

February 22, 20254 min read

The Missing Piece in Your Ideal Client Avatar

The Missing Piece in Your Ideal Client Avatar

Every marketing guru and their mother tells you to build your ideal client avatar. Age, gender, income level, etc. But what nobody tells you is to include their communication style in that profile. An... ...more

content creation ,copywriting

November 12, 20246 min read

The Truth About Writing Your Own Business Copy: When to DIY and When to Delegate

The Truth About Writing Your Own Business Copy: When to DIY and When to Delegate

You're the heart + soul of your business. You know it inside-out, up + down. So there's nobody better to write your marketing content, right? Weeelll, sometimes your passion and fire clouds your messa... ...more

content creation ,copywriting

November 04, 202410 min read

People buy from brands they know, like, and trust. How are you helping them like you?

People buy from brands they know, like, and trust. How are you helping them like you?

You're visible, you offer value, you've got the street cred. But do they actually like you? Let's dive into a topic that is seldom talked about: how to create content that helps your ideal customer co... ...more

content creation ,copywriting

November 02, 20244 min read

What's the Difference Between Copyright and Copywrite

What's the Difference Between Copyright and Copywrite

Ever been confused by these two words that sound exactly the same? Folks often confuse copyright and copywrite(ing), but they're very different things! ...more


October 17, 20242 min read

Common Email Marketing Myths

Common Email Marketing Myths

These eight email marketing myths get busted! Learn what they are and why they're costing you money. ...more

copywriting ,email marketing

October 04, 20246 min read

Marketing messaging a bit of a snore? Hopefully some of these tips will help you zhuzh things up!

Got better things to do than learn the ins and outs of copywriting? (Like, maybe, run a business?)

Grab 20 minutes on my calendar and let's see if partnering up makes more sense!

Grow your email list with integrity (and a juicy lead magnet!)

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